Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Party like a Nurse

My BSN Graduation Party was one to remember! I made the theme “Nursing” with lots of fun props from admission wrist bands to emesis rotel dip! Take a look and let me know what you think and comment for any additional details regarding any of the items mentioned:

 My Graduation Scrub Cake!! It looked so pretty I didn't want to eat it but it tasted DELISH when I finally decided to cut it haha!!

 My Hydration station!! I used Sprite as "Normal saline" (left side) and Minute maid lemonade as my "Urine sample" (right side). They were served in pee cups (clean of course).
 My pill vials made from scratch! The description reads "Enjoy these sweet capsules PRN until satisfied. Thank you for coming, you were just what the doctor ordered!" I got the description idea from another blog but I printed out the RX and added my own label and taped it with mask tape to add a more realistic "look".
 Blooooooood! lol--sike! It's really an energy juice. Never tasted it though so I can't tell you how it taste but it does look cool hanging around at your party.
 Now this one here was my own idea! Draw your own personalized mouth and take a "Surgical selfie" at the admission table :-) These were a hit......you're welcome!!

 My band aid sign in!! A surprise gift from my sissy! Definitely a great way to capture memories in a "cute"way. I saw it on pintrest but never thought to do it myself so I owe all props to her and pintrest of course!
Hospital sign: This was posted on my mailbox, the same way you would post a
Admission Form: I used this as a way for my guests to write words of success for me in the form of an RX slip. Idea was not originally mine though props to pintrest!
Admission wrist bands: Now these were my idea! I made the name of my fake hospital the same as my SON and admitted all my part guests as patients upon entering.
Urine sample cup: As mentioned above, these were used as the cups for the hydration station.
Jello shots: Another hit!! Filled with strawberry jell-O with a little "kick".
Surgical selfie mask, pill vials: mentioned above
Kisses for your boo boos: Idea from Pintrest! Nothing fancy just little Hershey kisses in a holder with a sign and skittles in vial cups.
 My bed pan brownies with caramel infused and emesis holder. These were my idea and were also pretty popular!!
 "Keep Calm and Pass the NCLEX" signs of course! These are from Google images haha!
There are also "cotton balls" (Marshmellows) to the far right in the jar I purchased from Target.

(Disclaimer: The items above are all personal property of sicunurse.blogspot.com. No part, section, picture of any of the post above may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the owner (sicunurse.blogspot.com).

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